Craft Rooms & Organization

How To Make Your Own Floss Separator for Cross Stitching or any Needlework

How To Make Your Own Floss Separator for Cross Stitching or any Needlework

Floss Separators are commercially sold and are sometimes included in cross stitch kits. Floss Separators are awesome to use when you have an empty separator card on hand. However, crafters often start a new needlework project when inspired and we don’t want to run to the store to purchase a floss separator and we certainly […]

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Kitchen Islands Are Perfect Craft Tables

Kitchen Islands Are Perfect Craft Tables

Using a kitchen island for your craft table in your craft room may sound like a strange recommendation at first, but I can assure you, it is the perfect choice. Kitchen Islands are designed to be work counters and work areas. They are the perfect height for times when we need to stand instead or […]

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Craft Organizers

Craft Organizers

My Craft Organizers I absolutely hate wasting money buying supplies that I know I already have, but simply cannot find! I also hate wasting time trying to find my craft supplies I know I already have somewhere. In my opinion, craft organizers are essential and certainly make crafting a lot more fun, since we can […]

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Craft Room / Bedroom Combination

Craft Room / Bedroom Combination

For many years, I have dreamed of having a dedicated craft room, but we simply did not have an extra room in the house to commandeer just for crafts. However, many times I have thought how wasteful it was to have a guest bedroom we use a few weeks out of the year for company […]

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Best Organizer for Craft Supplies

Best Organizer for Craft Supplies

There are dozens of craft supply organizers available today.  However, decades ago, when I needed one, they were not as readily available.  Even today, I would choose the main one I use over every other organizer on the market.  It was not made to be a craft supplies organizer, but it works beautifully as one, […]

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